Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My kids let me sleep in till 6:52 this morning! Tapie's normal Sunday morning meetings were moved to 9:00 a.m. as opposed to 7:00. Church starts at 10:00 so you would think an hour behind him couldn't be that bad. I suppose I had unrealistic expectaions that my kids would not fight on Mother's Day. I said to my kids- if laughing and playing together is my favorite thing, what do you think my least favorite thing is? Cody, smart as he is, commented that would be fighting with each other. In fairness to Cody, Aydyn purposely bugs him . I was in the girls room getting Callie dressed and Cody runs in yelling, "no Aydyn, no!" Then Aydyn runs in and shuts the door. "Ha! Ha! I locked you in Cody." The door locks from the outside. (It was that way when we moved in and we never switched it back.) So with Tapie gone Aydyn had locked us all in. But, after taking the door off the hinges we were able to get out. A couple more fights later we finally made it to church.
But as the sun always shines eventually, we had a fun ride home in the car racing Tapie. All three kids were laughing and having fun. Smiles.


  1. Oh no! Not stressful at all to be locked in a room! While you're trying to get ready for church!

  2. You didn't tell me that you got locked in the room. I found a key to your house that I have - if you get locked in again, call me & I'll come & save you. :) Happy Mother's Day.

  3. A mothers day you will never forget!

  4. I had a similiar situation.. except Riley had locked me out of the apartment when we were living in Germany... all the while laughing.. HaHa, yeah right!! You couldnt coax her to unlock the door even for you??
